Thursday, January 16, 2014

You know what I hate?

D scores.
You either love 'em or you don't. I am of the latter.
Now before you go rambling about the flaws of the 10.0 system let me explain why I hate the current scoring system.

1. Execution SUCKS.
The fact that people can ride their d-scores to victory is crap. I get it. I understand that to win nowadays you have to actually have the best skills. But we can't just neglect execution! Like has anyone looked at Nabieva or any of the Russians (esp. on vault)? Don't get me wrong. I LOVE the Russians. I think they are gorgeous gymnasts and fierce competitors. But my GOD how can the Rodionenkos allow their gymnasts to even attempt anything more than a double full twist with the form they have sometimes?!
Just look at that form. Yum.

I don't understand why gymnasts don't fight to get their E scores higher. Whatever. Another rambling for another day. 

2. Artistry?
NBD. Just choppin' invisible wood.
I mean Simone is a beast. And she certainly isn't the worst when it comes to lack of artistry, but my gosh. Can anyone express themselves please? Even the JUNIORS are better at this. (4 for you Sydney Johnson-Scharpf! You go, Sydney Johnson-Scharpf!!!) Does it have to be ballet? NO. I love ballet as much as the next person, but I'll admit, it'd get boring! Just sell your floor routine. Make it enjoyable. And for God's sake, pick some music that actually makes that possible. Once again, Simone Biles you are on my list. 

Senior ladies, take note.
One of my personal favorites. 

3. No real success from small countries.
I love the Big 4 countries and I think their gymnastics is stellar…..
I cannot believe I just placed that adjective in a sentence. 
I think the US has butt-tastic artistry but their skills and execution are phenomenal. Russians, Romanians, and Chinese gymnasts are absolutely wonderful too. (Before I forget, props to Yao Jinnan for her Mo Salto.)
BUT, what about the other countries? Yeah GB, Canada, and Italy are alright. Germany is okay. But they do not have a legitimate chance at winning a whole lot of titles because they simply do not have the difficulty levels that the other four countries do. Many of the countries do not have the gymnastics funding to provide adequate training for super high-level athletes. How is someone like '96 AA champ Lilia Podkopayeva from little ol' Ukraine to win nowadays? It's just not gonna happen.
Imagine if Rosa Galieva was competing today for Uzbekistan. She wouldn't stand a chance. Tragic. If anyone uses Oksana Chusovitina as a counter-argument, I am automatically counting it invalid. She was Soviet-trained, people.

Anyways, I gotta go coach. Peace out, gymternet!

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