Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hair me out, please.

Today's rant? Competition hair.
I'd just like to ask a question to the gymnastics community:


Answer: It never has been, nor will it ever be okay. I have told my little gymnasts that if they ever show up to a competition with a ratty, messy bun/tucked ponytail thing, I will cut their ponytail off. Needless to say, they always show up with their hair well-done.

That being said...
Let's play a nice game of The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly, shall we?
Oksana has a nice pony tail with a ribbon, which is just as easy as doing Vasiliki or Nastia's tucked ponytail. Millousi's  hair-do is not quite as half-*ssed as Nastia's. Maybe one quarter-*ssed.
All three of these girls are beautiful. Unfortunately, only Aliya's hair reflects that. And even more unfortunately, one is named Nastia which automatically implies bad competition hair. Luckily, I think she dyed it back to her normal color recently.
Nothing need be said.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Mundane Mondays

Mondays are hard, guys.
...But at least you're not these people.

Mom, look what I can dughaewfff.

Anyone else's face burn when watching this?

Even when you think something's going well, life turns around and kicks you in the crotch.
Ludmilla Tourischeva, you are a beast.

I honestly have no clue if this was a horrendous jaeger or an attempt at a completely unheard-of skill.

Alright, who let this girl compete level 3. 'Fess up. 

Don't rely on your friends for help, either.
Peace out, Monday, I'm going to bed. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Choreographically Speaking...

Some routines are worth a second look. Here are my personal favorites! :)

I can't even wait to post this last, so I'm going to go from the top down.
1. Cheng Fei 2004 Team Finals
Her tumbling is amazing, her choreography is amazing, just everything about it is amazing.

2. Oksana Omelianchik 1985
She got many 10.0s throughout the '85 season, and rightfully so! I just love this. She just takes flight out there, which I guess is fitting with all of the chirping. Some may disagree (including some of the girls I coach, who said it was "weird") but here's a news flash…

3. Ana Porgras
Of course I couldn't leave a Romanian out of the mix! Her dance work is exquisite. Most like her 2010 routine better, but this one was just gorgeous to watch. UGH why did she retire.
4. A bunch of others that I really loved but can't really rank in any specific order.
Henrietta Onodi 1992 Olympics
        Choreography was great. The 90's hair…not so much.
Jiang Yuyuan: 2008 Olympics
      Even Elfi complimented this one! Wish the 2008 CoP would've allowed for more choreography
      and less skills.
Lilia Podkopayeva: 1996 Olympics
       How could this not make the list? Take me back to the era of barrel leaps..
Anna Pavlova: 2008 Olympics
      I would kill to have a switch ring like Pav's. Everything she does in this routine is so pretty!

Nadia Comaneci: 1976 American Cup
     I think this routine is so underrated.

Well, this coach has things to do…so I leave you with this Gymternet:
My current homework success level
May your legs stay straight and your toes remain pointed.